Awesomenauts | Review

Posted: August 14, 2012

My son is really into League of Legends. He eats that stuff up pretty hardcore. Over the last few years I've made a concerted effort to join him in this game only to come to the realization that I'm simply not cut out for the "learn by humilating defeat" style of play. I wanted to try and find something that would appeal to his tastes but also cater to me. Imagine my surprise when I find a game that could do just that. Enter Awesomenauts!

The year is 3587. Conflict spans the stars as huge robot armies are locked in an enduring stalemate. In their bid for galactic supremacy, they call upon the most powerful group of mercenaries in the universe: the Awesomenauts! It’s an MOBA, (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) fitted into the form of an accessible 3-on-3 action platformer.

If I were to describe Awesomenauts I would say it is a mixture of Super Smash Bros. and League of Legends with a 80’s Saturday morning action cartoon vibe. You form two teams of 3, pick your mercenary, and compete to destroy the other team's base.
Story 8/10 

Each mercenary has two class special abilities, a basic attack, and a jump skill. During the match you can obtain little silver and gold cubes called solar to purchase upgrades to these skills and statistics such as health and rate of fire.

One of the features that help make Awesomenauts stand out from its MOBA cousins is the loadout feature. As you level up, you can unlock additional upgrades for each class’s special abilities. During the initial class pick phase, you can also choose 3 upgrades to bring with you each match. This is an amazing feature which makes up for the limited amount of class choices.

Matches feel balanced yet challenging. Having played League of Legends, I feel the learning curve in Awesomenauts is equal to the average player’s abilities. One thing I did notice about Romino Game’s platformer, is that combat in matches has a decidedly beat-em-up feel to it reminiscent of Super Smash Bros. fast paced chaos. It encourages you to get in there and brawl without much fear of the repercussions, i.e. dying. Additionally matches last between 15 and 20 minutes, allowing for more games per hour to improve your skills on and level up.
Gameplay 8/10

Awesomenauts does a fantastic job with the game's artwork and sound. The character models and backgrounds really capture the action cartoon combat styles of the 80s, which was a clear inspiration. Character classes vary from the hip-hop Foggy G to the Mega-Man-on-steroids Clunk, each sporting a unique design and set of animations. The music and sound effects not only sound great, but they also have a function in the game. For example, when you play as Froggy G and he starts a killing spree, you can hear his rap song play in the background. This caused me to get just a little more amped about continuing the streak I was on.
Presentation 9/10

Awesomenauts was designed to draw in gamers who prefer the MOBA concept so popular in today’s market but prefer the brawl-stylings of classics. If you fall into this category, you'll adore Awesomenauts.

The only concern that I would have for the game's future is one that plagues so many other MOBA titles: New character classes. After unlocking all the characters and playing with them for a while, I could see how the game could become stale overtime. However, even as we speak a patch is being deployed to add a new character so it would seem that Ronimo Games has risen to the challenge.
Awesomenauts 8/10

Game Info
Platform: Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, PC
Publisher: dtp Entertainment
Developer: Ronimo Games
Release Date: May 2, 2012

Christopher Brimmer doesn't just write for HalfReal Review ya' know! Be sure to check out his site where he writes not just game reviews, but board game reviews too!

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